
Technical Staff

For technical questions about contributing, accessing or using the cluster, please email the HPC Team IT Staff support at Also visit the HPC website.

The Faculty Advisory Committee

The advisory committee is appointed by the Dean following nominations from the departments. The charge of the committee is to provide oversight for cluster, guidance for faculty, and recommendations to the Dean.
1. Oversee and monitor the usage of the cluster and its compliance with the principles of participation.
2. Periodically review the membership formulae, as outlined in the attached document announcing the launch of the cluster, and recommend modifications as necessary.
3. Consult with the cluster manager, currently Bill Broadley, on the technical aspects of the cluster and recommend future evolution of the design.
4. Establish the framework, goals, and utilization of the graduate education of clusters – initially to include developing a new course and internship.
5. Consider and recommend guidelines for various aspects of the cluster to include: expansion, changes in location, retirement of equipment, etc.
6. In special circumstances, justify requests for funds from the Dean. The cluster model is intended to be selfsustaining, however, occasional upgrades for Tier 3 users are foreseen.

Advisory Committee Members

The MC 2 advisory committee includes one faculty representative from each department in MPS and two ex officio members (the Assistant Dean and the Faculty Assistant to the Dean). For questions about administration, policies, or other general (nontechnical) information about the cluster, please contact the chair of the committee).

Current Committee (October, 2015 - December, 2016)
● Magali Billen (Chair,, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
● Gerry Puckett, Professor of Math
● Joe Kiskis, Professor Emeritus of Physics
● Duncan Temple Lang, Professor of Statistics & Director of the Data Science Initiative
● LeePing Wang, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
● Main Tripathi (ex officio), Professor of Physics & Faculty Assistant to the Dean of MPS
● Tracy Ligtenberg (ex officio), Assistant Dean

Past Committee Members
● None